Requirements for the conduct of documents
1C: Enterprise 8.2 /
For developers /
Creating and modifying metadata objects
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1. Documents are intended to enter the primary information associated with the registration of events affecting the indicators taken into account in the system. For example, when automating the financial and economic activities of an enterprise, it is an account of various business transactions; in production control systems - registration of production operations, etc.
2.1. Registration of an event in the system (ie, its reflection in the account) is carried out using the document. Most documents must be posted (the Hold property is set to Allow ).
Logically, an undocumented document differs from a posted one in that an undocumented document is a “draft” that is not reflected in the account. Such documents can be saved in the system, even if they are not completely or not filled at all; no checks and restrictions of business logic are applied to them (checks for filling, dates for prohibiting changes, etc.). The data of such documents are not reflected in the account (not displayed in reports, etc.)
At the same time, the document held is a “purebred”, the formation and processing of which are completed and about which it was decided that this document should be included in the account.
2.2. If the document life cycle consists of several stages that correspond to the stages of a certain process, then additional statuses can be entered for the description of these stages. For example, the document "Customer Order" may have the status: "not agreed", "to the security", "closed"; The document “Cash order warrant” - first registered in the register of registration of cash orders (KO-3), then signed by the chief accountant (manager), transferred to the cashier, then registered in the Cash Book, signed by the chief accountant (manager).
In such cases, the holding of the document corresponds to the time of the initial reflection of the event in the account, and the statuses of the document held clarify exactly how the event is reflected in the account.
If a document is posted, then when translating a document between statuses, users may be asked to fill out certain document data, certain checks and business logic restrictions specific to each stage can be applied to this data. Until the moment of carrying out, the translation of the “draft” document on statuses is not controlled by the system.
Examples of the behavior of documents with multi-stage reflection in the account:
- for the completed document "Customer Order" :
- during the transfer to the “not agreed upon” status, the system controls only the basic parameters of the order;
- when transferring to “secured” status - the field “date of shipment” is obligatory to fill in, since the logist needs information on which date the order should be brought;
- For the “Cash Order” document , the transfer to the final status “is registered in the Cash Book and signed by the chief accountant (manager)” means that the system must create accounting records, and the cashier’s report will be registered in a journal-order (or other accounting register, for example , in budget organizations - in the journal of operations).
2.3. The exception to this rule (“most documents must be posted”) is
- documents that are not intended to reflect events in accounting. With the help of such documents only various events are recorded with reference to time: for example, incoming correspondence, calls, meetings, etc.
- separate documents, the technology of which is very different from the technological capabilities of the platform, but which should look to the user as if they were being held. For example, these are the documents “Operation (accounting and tax accounting)” - for entering operations manually, “Routine operation” - for performing a month closing operation with the possibility of manual adjustment of movements, etc.
Such documents are not held.
2.4. If the user must register the event in the system and reflect it in the account for one action, it is necessary to record a new document in the conducting mode.
It is unacceptable to solve this problem in other ways, in particular, by disabling the holding of the document.
3.1 When reflecting an event in accounting, it may be necessary to form “secondary” data with complex bindings to points in time, periods, and other objects of the system. In this case, such data should be placed in registers. The formation of movements on the registers should be performed during: automatically or manually.
With the automatic formation of movements, the user enters information about the event in the document data, and when conducted on the basis of the information entered into the document, movements are generated in various registers. For example, for accounting transactions, the formation of transactions.
When manually forming movements, the user enters data directly into the registers. Such documents are usually called manual operations. They can be used to introduce initial balances, or to enter business transactions that were not provided for by the configuration developer.
3.2. In some cases, the formation of movements can be performed as a separate document. This is required in the case of similar processing of different types of documents, group processing or implementation of complex business processes that require an explicit separation of the functions of performers. Then the different stages of the reflection of events in accounting are realized not by going through the statuses of one document, but by different documents that are entered on the basis of each other. In this chain, only certain documents form movements when held.
For example, consider the situation when a payment order is formed in the financial department, and, at the same time, the accountant should not change the source document. In this case, the document "Payment Order" does not make movements, and the movements on the payment order are formed by a separate document "Withdrawal from the current account" , which is specifically designed for the automated formation of movements.
3.3. Documents not submitted and marked for deletion must not have active movements.
3.4. Even if the document does not form movements, it should be carried out in order to logically differ from the “draft”.
4. For most events, the reflection can be reversible. In this case, for this you should use the mechanism of cancellation of the documents.
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formation of movements in registers , withdrawal from current account , signed by , business , checks , registers , developments , accounting and tax accounting , reflection , formation , account cash warrant , user , payment order , order , configuring , example , documents , data , of documents , register , of the document , document
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