[FAQ] How to enable and configure iTunes Match for residents of Ukraine / Russia

  1. How to subscribe to iTunes Match service without a US credit card
  2. Actions:
  3. Stage 1 Media Library Analysis
  4. Stage 2 Matching
  5. Stage 3 Downloading unmatched music

Yesterday, our beloved apple company has released a new version of its multimedia combine

Yesterday, our beloved apple company has released a new version of its multimedia combine. iTunes 10.5.1 . The main innovation of this assembly is the service iTunes Match which was previously only available for beta testing developers. And now all the charms of new products can use ... only US residents. Sad, yes?

Even having American iTunes account in combination with iTunes Gift Card no result - tuna requires an American plastic card. How to be residents of Ukraine, Russia and other countries who want to taste the inaccessible fruit? As it turned out, there is a way out.

How to subscribe to iTunes Match service without a US credit card

The necessary conditions:
  • Prepaid VISA card linked to the address in the USA

The first two points do not require additional explanations, but I'll tell you about the third one. Any prepaid VISA card, which is sold on the United States with an associated address, will do. The trick is that if you use iTunes gift cards, then you do not need to specifically buy a VISA card with $ 30 or more in the account, and will fit even with the most minimal balance. Moreover, several people can use the same card, because it is needed only as a source for the US address, and the money for the iTunes Match service is removed from the iTunes account balance.

With me the details of your card shared our reader iArtem , to which you can apply with the same request ( [email protected] )


1. Install the latest version of iTunes (). At the moment it is 10.5.1.

2. In the left side menu of the program under the usual iTunes Store inscription iTunes Match appeared. Click on it.

Click on it

3 Click the Subscribe for $ 24.99 button, read the agreement and confirm it.

99 button, read the agreement and confirm it

4. Next, iTunes will ask you to enter the details of your US card, which you most likely do not have. Here we will need the data of the prepaid VISA card, which we carefully enter in the program window (for more details, see the section " Prerequisites ").

Here we will need the data of the prepaid VISA card, which we carefully enter in the program window (for more details, see the section  Prerequisites )

5. If you entered all the card data (address, name, surname, card number, CVV code) correctly, then iTunes will accept it and, if it does not find the required amount on it, it will be removed from the balance of the iTunes account that was replenished using iTunes Gift Card. Most likely, the option will also work when there is a sufficient amount (more than $ 25) on the prepaid card account to activate the iTunes Match service and withdraw money from it.

Attention! After you activate Match, you need to return the Payment to Enzu on No credit card on file (No)

6. Congratulations, you subscribed to the iTunes Match service!

Now you will have three stages:

Stage 1 Media Library Analysis

iTunes will scan your entire library and if it contains less than 25,000 tracks, it will go to the second stage - checking for a match with the content in the iTunes Store.

If you have more songs in your iTunes, you need to use the following trick. Restart iTunes with the Option key (Shift for Windows) pressed and create a new empty library. Next, register with iTunes Match and disable in iTunes settings the option "Copy to iTunes Media folder when added to library", which is located in the Settings - Additional window, so that the application does not create duplicate tracks.

Add the desired music to the clean library and update iTunes Match via the Store menu.

Stage 2 Matching

iTunes Match will compare music in your library with content on the iTunes Store. The matched song immediately becomes available from the cloud on all devices authorized by you in AAC format with a bit rate of 256 Kbps.

Stage 3 Downloading unmatched music

Tracks that are not found in the iTunes Store are downloaded from your computer to Apple servers and will be available with a bitrate of up to 320 Kbps. All lossless music is converted to ACC with a bit rate of 256 Kbps and only then gets into iCloud.

It is important to note that during the recognition procedure there are no changes with your library, but you can make replacements after, manually. After removing a track from your library, it remains on the list with a cloud icon, which means that there is no track in the library, but the ability to download it from the cloud.

iCloud does not support downloading files larger than 200 MB, or with a bitrate of less than 95 kbps / more than 320 kbps.

iCloud does not support downloading files larger than 200 MB, or with a bitrate of less than 95 kbps / more than 320 kbps

Do not forget to also enable iTunes Match on your iOS devasah.

Do not forget to also enable iTunes Match on your iOS devasah

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Sad, yes?
How to be residents of Ukraine, Russia and other countries who want to taste the inaccessible fruit?